Welcome to "Adventures with the Below Average Company" an entertaining series that follows the adventures of a uniquely below-average man, Ulysses who finds himself thrust into a world of extraordinary circumstances. Tasked with completing unusual missions by his legendary and affluent boss, Michael Bay, this comedic series takes viewers on a wild and entertaining ride. With each episode, audiences will join Ulysses on his unpredictable adventures as he fearlessly confronts mind-bending challenges that push the boundaries of anyone's comfort zone.
Welcome to "Adventures with the Below Average Company" an entertaining series that follows the adventures of a uniquely below-average man, Ulysses who finds himself thrust into a world of extraordinary circumstances. Tasked with completing unusual missions by his legendary and affluent boss, Michael Bay, this comedic series takes viewers on a wild and entertaining ride. With each episode, audiences will join Ulysses on his unpredictable adventures as he fearlessly confronts mind-bending challenges that push the boundaries of anyone's comfort zone.
The adventure begins on what was initially to be a seemingly ordinary mission to investigate fishing lures in Hawaii and quickly spirals into a mesmerizing journey of epic proportions.
Documented by Ulysses best friend Petersen and his cell phone camera, prepare to be enthralled as Ulysses and team embark on breathtaking adventures, encountering alien entities and UFOs while braving treacherous 30-foot seas aboard a cargo ship amidst the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean.
Witness the unraveling of the enigmatic treasure map hidden within the brilliant mind of the renowned ufologist Dr. Feldstein, implanted during an astonishing encounter with extraterrestrial forces.
And brace yourself for an immersive and thrilling adventure that intertwines elements of reality with the extraordinary and the allure of hidden treasures, alien artifacts, the paranormal, the metaphysical, incredible travels, breath taking locations, eccentric characters and a tale that transcends the boundaries of imagination.
SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmIB...
INTRO - Welcome to Adventures with the Below Average Company
EP 1 “Fishing O’Aju”
EP 2 “Ladybug Lure”
EP 3 “Afraid to Fly”
EP 4 “Pacific Cook-off”
EP 5 “Abducted by Aliens”
Welcome to "Adventures with the Below Average Company" an entertaining series that follows the adventures of a uniquely below-average man, Ulysses who finds himself thrust into a world of extraordinary circumstances. Tasked with completing unusual missions by his legendary and affluent boss, Michael Bay, this comedic series takes viewers on a wild and entertaining ride. With each episode, audiences will join Ulysses on his unpredictable adventures as he fearlessly confronts mind-bending challenges that push the boundaries of anyone's comfort zone.